Our team of three manufacture and supply customised lanyards to a variety of customers. We've been here since April 2019. We love Stockwell Lodge Studios, it's been perfect to keep our business on an upward path.
10 years on from our first muddy outdoor adventure event Lockdown hit. The family picked up all our gear and shifted it to our new business home at Stockwell Lodge Studios. You might have seen us around and know that as the name suggests we don't like sitting on our backsides.
We've been around a long time now but we needed to spread our wings in October 2023. Hats off to Geoff for taking on our business producing prosthetics for grown ups. It's a very niche line of work but Stockwell Lodge Studios is such a wonderful cosmopilaton spot.
My crestive business found a home at Stockwell Lodge in October 2022. When I wanted to move studios Geoff was very flexible. There are a variety of businesses and everyone is very friendly. I find the atmosphere conducive to producing my best work